- March 25, 2020
- Posted by: TIFA Research
- Category: Polls
- Awareness of measures GoK against COVID-19
- Knowledge of how COVID-19 is spread
- Knowledge of signs & symptoms of COVID-19
- Prevention measures Kenyans have taken against COVID-19
- Research Methodology
Summary findings
Knowledge of how COVID-19 is spread: high awareness of the virus being spread by coughing or
sneezing (87% mentions) Low knowledge (32%) of the fact that contaminated surfaces spread the virus.
Signs symptoms of COVID-19: Coughing (77%) and fever (70%) are the two main symptoms of COVID-19 that Kenyans are most aware of There is low awareness of symptoms such as headaches (28%)
and difficulty in breathing (24%). A significant proportion (12%) are not aware of the symptoms.
Behavior change prevention COVID-19: Although there are five recommended preventive measures,
most of Kenyans have only one of them i.e adopted hand washing (above 70%). 18% have NOT adopted
any prevention measures There is low adoption of social distancing yet this is the main mode that can be
used to slow down the spread of COVID-19
Please download full report here
Good morning,
Thank you for the survey, its very useful to know where we are as a country. My main concern is the borders that have been erected to secede movement from Nairobi county to the other counties but it has been reported that these road blocks have been used as money collection points by various officers to allow people to cross in and out of Nairobi. in the recent Eastleigh lock down, for as little as ks.100 to the officers, one is allowed to cross from Eastleigh, Califonia etc. if these roadblocks don’t serve their purpose why doesn’t the country do away with them and open the country so that everyone is free to move? as it is now travel has become expensive and there are people who are making money in these illegal crossings. I believe the best thing to do is to continue observing sanitation and distancing but remove the travel restriction.